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Research Policy

Research Policy and Guidelines 1992

SUA formulated for the first time research policy, priority areas and guidelines in 1992. The guidelines were reviewed for the first time in 2000. Since then there have been a number of new developments including review of SUA Corporate Strategic Plan (CSP) in 2005, then in 2009 as well as changes in National research policies and priorities which have necessitated revision of SUA research policy and guidelines. This revision is intended therefore to update the existing SUA research policy, priority areas and guidelines and facilitate smooth implementation of SUA’s CSP in the research area. The Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies (DRPGS) established in 1988 is responsible for the administration, coordination and implementation of SUA research policy as well as monitoring and reporting on compliance of research endeavours to the University’s research agenda and focus areas. In addition the directorate has the responsibility for managing research funds and monitoring all research activities undertaken at SUA. To that effect the University has put in place a set of regulations and guidelines for this purpose. This 3rd edition contains the revised research policy, guidelines and focus areas for Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) as approved by 115th meeting of the University Council held on 30th June 2010. This document substitutes the 2nd edition which was printed in 2000 This edition is revising some of those regulations and guidelines to accommodate new developments as also guided by the Corporate Strategic Plan and the University Council. The University Council at its 107th meeting held on the 18th December 2008, among other things directed that there be established awards for Researchers of the year to be known as the Edward Moringe Sokoine Memorial Researcher of the Year Award as well as the Young Researcher of the Year Award. Other instructions by Council included developing regulations and guidelines for rewarding staff that attract research funds to the University and revise the grant administration fee from 5% to 10%. This edition therefore amongst other provisions sets forth guidelines for apportionment of the grant administration fee to various cost centres including incentives for staff publishing papers in scientific journals as well as to support staff publish academic books. Other facilitative, incentives and motivational arrangements are revised accordingly.