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Roles and Functions of Directorate of Planning and Investment

In achieving overall Planning and Investment of the university, the DPI performs various activities to support the university to achieve its Vision and Mission. Some of the activities are divided into sections as follows:

Policy, Planning and Institutional Transformation
A Principal/Senior Planning Officer with competence in the field of development planning will man this section. Its functions include:
(a) To prepare long, medium and annual development plans as may be required by the University.
(b) To review annual plan performance with the view to making necessary adjustments
(c) To prepare project documents for transmission to government, development partners and others.
(d) To initiate, coordinate and facilitate all institutional transformation undertakings at the University.
(e) To coordinate and prepare annual budgets for the university (both capital development and recurrent)
(f) To prepare action plans for each of the ongoing and new projects in collaboration with respective hosting units.
(g) To coordinate formulation and review of various university policies according to emerging needs
(h) To prepare quarterly progress reports on the implementation of the development projects

Monitoring and Evaluation Department
A Principal/Senior Planning Officer with competence in statistics as well as project monitoring and evaluation will man this section. The functions of this section include the following:
(a) To spearhead monitoring and evaluation of strategic plans at all levels in the University
(b) To conduct regular monitoring and evaluation of University development projects including research projects
(c) To consolidate the reports of execution of different projects of SUA for submission to University Management, Government and Development partners/stakeholders.
(d) To perform the role of checks and balance to see whether implemented activities comply with the planned activities within the planned period.
(e) To justify the use of available resources.
(f) To find out reasons for success or failure of specific aspects of strategic plans and projects.
(g) To periodically collect information and data as per work plan and requirements.
(h) To analyze and evaluate collected information and data.
(i) To produce and disseminate institutional statistics and reports as per work plan and requirements.
(j) To update regularly the departmental website.

Resource Mobilization and Income Generation
Main functions under this section include: –
a) Prepare proposal and organizing various fund-raising campaigns
b) To build SUA capacity to identify, document and implement sources of Income generation activities
c) Coordinating and leading all strategic advancement or resources mobilization activities at SUA
d) To co-ordinate functions related to Cost Cutting Measures (COCMs) for purposes of advising SUA manage­ment on how to minimize costs on major cost items such as utilities
e) To take an active role in the preparation of physical master plans for all estates in relation to the location of investments and infrastructure.
f) To co-ordinate and monitor the performance of contracts and lease agreements for contracted out or leased facilities and services.
g) In collaboration with the Convocation Liaison Officer (CLO), planning and organizing various fund-raising campaigns and events targeted at the involvement of SUA alumni
h) Building and maintaining an accurate database of all categories of potential and actual grant-givers to SUA for the purposes of networking and fund-raising;
i) Publishing of information related to the development of the university
j) Fostering a culture which encourages financial grant-giving to the University;
k) To undertake strategic direct investments – wholly owned by SUA, or owned on joint venture basis by SUA and local and/or international private investors