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Facts and Figures

The genesis of Facts and Figures
The objective of embarking on this exercise of compiling data on the University emanated from the wish by the University management to get a clearer picture of what was going on in the University. This would enable SUA to know better its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges. The main focus is on the key resources of the Institution, which include students, the academic staff, the technical and administrative staff, infrastructural development, the financial resources both local and foreign and the way these resources are utilized. This data is useful in assessing the principal achievements of the Institution apart from facilitating assessment of the progress in the implementation of SUA Corporate Strategic Plan (CSP).

Campuses of the Sokoine University of Agriculture

  1. Main Campus (Edward Moringe) which is situated 3 km South of Morogoro Municipality
  2. Solomon Mahlangu Campus (which was until 1992 the Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College of the African National Congress of South Africa) situated 11 km to the North-West of Morogoro Municipality
  3. Olmotonyi Campus situated in Arusha, which also serves as a centre for Forestry practical training
  4. Mazumbai Forestry Reserve which is situated in Lushoto. This is a natural forest used for training and research
  5. Mizengo Pinda Campus which is situated in Katavi Region

A: Undergraduates enrollment for the year 2021/2022 as per March 2022


Bachelor Diploma Certificates TOTAL
Male 8523 156 52 8731
Female 5215 149 28 5392
Total 13738 305 80 14123

B: Postgraduates enrollment for the year 2021/2022 per March 2022

Masters PhD TOTAL
Male 410 153 563
Female 252 76 328
Total 662 229 891